My boot was off and my pain was gone.
When I first met Jennifer, I didn’t believe that acupuncture could help me. I had a pain in the ball of my foot and I had seen foot specialists for the previous 5 months and my pain only got worse with each treatment that they gave me. I had a boot on my foot because it hurt too much to walk on it and my friends and I were about to begin a backpacking trip through Europe. When I went in to see Jennifer my pain level was around a 7-8 on a 10 point scale. By the time we got to Europe, the pain had gone down significantly and within a week of being off of our cruise, my boot was off and my pain was gone. Jennifer’s work was so amazingly crucial to the enjoyment of my trip. She was friendly, sympathetic to my situation and professional. I can honestly say that I would trust her to work with me any time and I am so incredibly thankful and indebted to her for helping me to be able to enjoy my once in a lifetime experience.
Patricia Hillard