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Below are answers to our most frequently asked questions.
Acupuncture uses the insertion of very fine needles in key pressure points to stimulate specific healing responses in the body. Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years in China and other Asian countries as a health care modality and is the most popular form of complementary medicine used in the United States today. Acupuncture has been proven effective in the treatment of multiple conditions ranging from pain, arthritis, digestive issues, respiratory and sinus conditions, gynecological disorders, stress, emotional imbalance, addictions, and so much more.
The majority of patients find acupuncture treatments to be very comfortable because the needles we use are very thin and they are only inserted at a very shallow depth. To get an idea of how thin they are, you can fit between 12-24 acupuncture needles into the same needles used to draw blood or administer shots.
Yes, acupuncture needles are sterile. In 1996, the FDA declared the acupuncture needle to be a medical device. This means that all acupuncture needles are single use, sterile, and disposable. They are made of stainless steel and otherwise are chemical free.
Acupuncture is a safe treatment for everyone regardless of any medical conditions, medications, supplements, or implants. There are very few side effects from acupuncture when practiced appropriately by a qualified and licensed acupuncturist. On rare occasion, some points may bruise or be sore after treatment. This goes away shortly on its own and is nothing to worry about.
Please fill out your paperwork online through the link sent to you via email prior to your appointment.
It is important to eat 1-2 hours before an acupuncture treatment. It is not advisable to come in for a treatment on an empty stomach. We cannot treat patients under the influence of alcohol or recreational drugs.
Do not brush or scrape your tongue the day of your acupuncture treatment. To do an accurate tongue analysis, which is a unique and critical part of Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis, your tongue must be examined in its natural unaltered form.
Dress comfortably. Loose pants that roll up comfortably above your knees and tops that roll up above your elbows is preferable. If your clothes do not allow access to necessary acupuncture points, then a robe or a gown will be provided for you to change into.
There is no downtime after an acupuncture treatment and you can continue your day as you normally would.
During your first acupuncture treatment, a full medical assessment will be conducted with a focus on your chief health concern as well as any other symptoms you may be experiencing. I will then do a tongue and pulse examination. This is a unique and critical part of Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis that gives better insight on the internal disharmonies that exist inside the body. It also gives a deeper appreciation and understanding of how to treat your specific concern. Other western physical assessment exams may also be conducted.
In summary, I will provide a Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis and put together a detailed treatment plan for your specific needs. This treatment plan will include the number of treatments you will need to undergo to achieve your health goals, the frequency of treatments, lifestyle and diet modifications, recommendations for other treatment modalities, and a prescription for Chinese Herbal Medicine to enhance and optimize your long-term healing potential.
On the average, 10-20 acupuncture points, that are located below the elbows and knees, are chosen. Depending on your specific individual concerns, I can also choose points on your scalp, ears, face, back or abdomen. The needles will stay in for at least 30 minutes. During that time, you will rest comfortably on a treatment table with the lights off or dimmed. Most patients fall asleep during this part of the treatment and find it very relaxing.
The duration of your time in the clinic would be about 60 minutes for the first treatment and about 45 minutes for follow-up treatments.
The majority of patients feel their symptoms decrease between 25%-100% with the first treatment, sometimes even as they are resting on the treatment table with the needles inserted. With continual acupuncture treatments, following the recommended lifestyle and diet plan, and by taking Chinese Herbs, you can possibly remain symptom free for months, even up to years, or even for the rest of your life!
We accept cash, check, and all major credit cards.
Yes. You can pay for your acupuncture treatment with your HSA card (Health Savings Account) or your FSA (Flex Spending Account) card.
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